
HowTo Guide Documentation GitHub FeatureCloud App

Local test simulation

This guide is designed for people who want to test the fedRBE tool locally on their machine via command line.

For more detailed information and advanced usage, please refer to the Documentation.

Prerequisites and setup

Before installing fedRBE, ensure you have the following installed:

  1. Docker: Installation Instructions
  2. FeatureCloud CLI. For Windows users, git must also be installed and added to PATH. We recommend and tested using WSL.
  3. App Image (either build locally or pull).

For installation and setup details, see the main README.

Quick start

Run simulations locally to understand fedRBE’s behavior:

  1. Ensure the full repository including sample data is cloned and the current working directory:
    git clone https://github.com/Freddsle/fedRBE.git
    cd fedRBE
  2. Start the FeatureCloud Controller with the correct input folder:
    featurecloud controller start --data-dir=./evaluation_data/simulated/mild_imbalanced/before/
  3. Build or Pull the fedRBE App as per the Installation instructions.

  4. Run a Sample Experiment:
    featurecloud test start --app-image=featurecloud.ai/bcorrect:latest --client-dirs=lab1,lab2,lab3

    Alternatively, you can start the experiment from the frontend.
    Select 3 clients, add lab1, lab2, lab3 respecitvely for the 3 clients to their path.

    Use featurecloud.ai/bcorrect:latest as the app image.

    Also, it is possible to run experiment via the command line script:

    python3 ./evaluation_utils/run_sample_experiment.py

    This will start a local simulation of multiple clients and show you how the batch correction is applied in practice.

For a step-by-step detailed instructions on how to start collaboration using multiple machines, refer to the How To Guide.

More details can be found in the main README.