
Documentation GitHub FeatureCloud App

Getting started with federated limma remove batch effect (fedRBE)

This guide is designed for beginners who want a quick and easy way to start using fedRBE and test its functionality. For more technical details and advanced usage and specific implementation details, please refer to the main README file.

fedRBE allows you to remove batch effects from data in a federated manner, ensuring data privacy.

For a more formal description and details, see the fedRBE’s preprint on ArXiv.

List of contents

Minimal requirements and setup

Prerequisites (see README for details):

  1. Docker installed (check Docker website for installation instructions).
  2. FeatureCloud CLI installed and running.
  3. App Image (either build locally or pull).

For installation and setup details, see the main README.

Understanding the workflow

Below is a simplified workflow of how to use fedRBE:

  1. Coordinator creates a FeatureCloud project and distributes tokens to at least 3 participants.
  2. Each Participant (Client) prepares their data and a config.yml file.
  3. All Clients join the project using FeatureCloud and run the app locally.
  4. fedRBE aligns and corrects batch effects without sharing raw data.
  5. Results are produced locally at each client, ensuring privacy.

File preparation

You need two main inputs:

  1. Expression Data File (CSV/TSV)
  2. config.yml for custom settings
  3. and Optional Design File with covariates (if needed).

Required files figure

Minimal Example Directory Structure:

├─ config.yml
├─ expression_data.csv
├─ design.csv

If you want to simulate a federated workflow on a single machine, you can use the provided sample data and test script. In this case, you need to create at least three folders, each with the sample data and a config.yml file (for example, clientA, clientB, clientC folders).

Example config.yml snippet:

  data_filename: "expression_data_client1.csv"
  expression_file_flag: False # True if data is in samples x features format
  index_col: "GeneIDs"  # Column name to use as index
  covariates: ["Pyr"]   # Covariates column name to include in the design matrix
  separator: ","  # Separator used in the data file
  design_separator: "," # Separator used in the design file
  normalizationMethod: "log2(x+1)"  # Normalization method or log transformation
  smpc: True  # Recommended to set to True
  min_samples: 2  # Minimum number of samples to include a feature
  position: 1   # position of the client (first, second, third, etc.)
  reference_batch: ""  # if True, this client is used as the reference batch

For more details on the config.yml parameters, see the main README.

Step-by-step scenario

Scenario: Three clients (A, B, and C) collaborate on a federated analysis. Video tutorial: link.

  1. Coordinator Actions:
    • The coordinator logs into the FeatureCloud platform and creates a new project.
    • Add the fedRBE app into the workflow and finalize the project.
    • The coordinator creates tokens and sends them to Clients A, B, and C.

    Coordinator step 1

  2. Client Setup:
    • Client A, B, C: Place expression_data_client.csv and config.yml in a local folder.
    • Adjust config.yml parameters as needed (e.g., change data_filename to match the correct file name).
    • In case of multiple batches in one client, the client should provide a design.csv file with batch information and specify this column name in the config.yml parameter batch_col.
  3. Joining the Project:
    • Each client uses the FeatureCloud to login and join the project using the provided token.
    • After joining, each client uploads their data and config file to the FeatureCloud GUI client as a one .zip file (without any folder structure inside). It will not be sent to the coordinator or other clients, but makes it available for the Docker container with the app.

    Required files figure

  4. Running fedRBE:
    • After all clients join, the coordinator starts the project.
    • The app runs locally at each client, securely combining results.

Results and output:

After completion, each client finds:

Single-machine simulations using the provided sample data

If you’d like to test everything on one machine, you can run the provided sample data and test script. This simulates multiple clients locally, so you can see the federated workflow in action without needing multiple machines.

For instructions, see the Local Test Simulation guide.

Troubleshooting tips

Choosing the correct data orientation

Depending on how your data is structured, you must correctly set expression_file_flag in your config.yml:

Incorporating covariates

If you have additional covariates (e.g., age, treatment type) that might influence your data, you can include them either directly in the design_filename file or list them in your config.yml under covariates. If no separate design file is provided, these covariates must exist as features in the main data file.


covariates: ["Age", "Treatment"]

Selecting a reference batch

fedRBE needs a reference batch to align the other batches against. By default, if no reference_batch is set, it uses the last client in the positional order defined by the position parameter. If all parameters are unset, it may choose a batch at random, resulting in non-deterministic runs.


position: 2
reference_batch: ""